
a very special tree

Our house is now full decorated with the new addition of a very special tree in our family room. On Sunday my parents, Josh and I cut down our own tree for the best price in town. It has a few holes and gaps, but in my opinion the imperfections only add character. Last year one of my wonderful cousins discovered a local place to cut down your own Christmas trees without paying the larger amounts that so many places charge. There is a family with an extended piece of land filled with what will be Christmas trees. They tend to be on the tall side, maybe 30 feet or so, so we just cut down the one of our choosing and take however much of the top we would like. Only in the Midwest would there be a sign that says:
"Cut down which one you like, and please leave your $10 in the box. Have a Merry Christmas!"

We are prepared and awaiting Christmas with nothing but joy and excitement. As the days decrease toward Christmas, the excitement only increases!

Not really sure what it is about this well, but for one reason or another, it captured my attention and the attention of my camera.

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