
'tis the season for: decorations

This Christmas season, I thought I'd do a special blogging collection of Christmas and all it's pleasure. Song, decorations, traditions, delicious treats, ornament, you name it and I will blog it. Starting on the first day of December seemed to fit perfectly. It won't be on any particular schedule but I will try to accomplish at least 2 a week.
Lets start this collection off with one of my favorite aspects of the season: the decor! When I was a little girl I expressed my love for others in homemade gifts {and still do}. My mom helped to curb my passion for creating and painting into gifts for my aunts and uncles, friends and grandparents. That's how these little decorations {the picture above} came to be. I must have made at least 4 sets of them and loved painting every inch of those Christmas trees with their snowman friend.

In the 7th grade I expanded my painting 'skills' to a nativity scene and it was a challenge staying in all those lines that had been etched into the wood. Even now that I have aged {lets just say a few years} homemade gifts still have a special place in my heart. There is a thing of comfort in gifts from others that were thought of by the heart and created with their own 2 hands.

It's decorations like these that fill your rooms and turn a house into a cozy home filled with many memories from years gone by.

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